Because of the abuse I suffered as a child, I have got a big black mark on my life.
They put me into a childrens home as a "place of safety". They tried to cover it up, the fact that the children's homes were being run by paedophiles.
So they said in the newspapers "THEY WERE NO ANGELS" to justify the abuse.
All my life the stain has been there. It has blighted my life.
I was unable to get a good job. I was a hard working girl, but I got treated badly at work as well. I got punched at Burgesses, another woman accused me of filling in an invoice wrong and punched me off my chair. Although she got repremanded by the boss, I spiralled iunto depression and had to leave. I had been used as a human punchbag before and that woman punching me off my chair triggered the depression.
I got another job, as a silk screen printer, but the boss kept feeling my breasts and bottomn. I was working for less than the dole money. I had to leave that job and went on the dole.
I've tried to make myself employabvle. I hate being on benefit handouts. But I keep getting depressed and have low self esteem. I have panic attacks and hardly sleep.
I want to get rid of this big black stain. I am going to get rid of it, it's blighted my life for far too long.
This is what I want and I am going to get these things.
1) an apology from the departments that have hurt me - Stafford Police and Stafford Social Services.
2) PROPER therapeutic help, NOT the crap ENMERGE councelling that tried to cover it up and blame my dad for everything
3) I want a divorce from the man that Stafford Court refused to give me a divoirce from even though I have not seen the man for nearly 15 years.
4) I want a job with Stafford Police - working to fight against paedophiles. I know that might sound bonkers but because of the massive fight I have had I think I am really well qualified to help investigate paedophile rings. Stafford Police can apologise to me and put right the wrongs they have done to me by offering me a job. I could read through lots of documents and look for evidence.
I don't know how I am going to get these things but I AM going to get them somehow. I am going to get rid of this big black mark.
I just want my life back. I feel like I have had my life stolen.
I can see so clearly what has happened.
What's the use in revenge? What's the use in anything, apart from making some good come out of bad?
Stafford Police isn't full of evil monsters, Stafford Social Services isn't full of human traffickers. There ARE bad people in all the different agencies.
I'm not an anachist. I like other people. I want to live in a community, I don't want to live as some sort of outcast. I don't want to hurt anybody, and I don't want them to hurt me. I just want to live, and let live.
Thanks Zoomy Hun xxx
A little birdy has told me that there's another pratt who pretends to help rescue children but does the exact opposite reading my blog. Probably rubbing his hands together in glee that I am so depressed. Well, don't get too pleased with yourself SCUM, because there's plenty of other mums you refused to help who managed to help themselves, that aren't depressed and are going to kick the shit out of this corrupt human trafficking paedo network even if I can't do it any more.
Sorry Ian, don't mean you, it's just some pratt who belongs to a pratt club is reading my blog nd its annoyed me.
Will repost your link xx
KATIE ARMITAGE – Missing 14 yr old – Stockport
Plea from the family
My step daughter KATIE ARMITAGE 14 yrs old, has been missing for 7 days now.
The police are involved and they have notifed my wife that there are groups of foreign gangs around the STOCKPORT AREA
14year old from Stockport missing? Has this been in the local press? If so how well was it covered?
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