Monday, 23 September 2013



Zoompad said...

I went to see David Kidney about 5 years ago and told him about Ludwig Lowenstein and Ralph Underwager and Richard Gardner.

David Kidneys spin doctor Diane Smith virtually called me a liar when I said I was abused in Pindown and tried to make out that the Pindown abuse never happened, that it had been discredited.

I am having to find out all this stuff drip by drip by drip, as are all the other Pindown child abuse victims. I think that is both cruel and disgusting.

I was wrong about Chadswell Assessment Centre (the hell hole I was put in) being the same place as The Wissage and Riverside though. Chadswell Assessment Centre was not the same place.

I am having to deal with all this stuff all by myself. The "therapy " I have been referred to by my GP is inappropriate and useless. I am not blaming the Emotional Wellbeing councellors, they seem like nice kind ladies, its just that I have been referred to them, with no alternative. That is wrong, anyone can see thats not right at all, not fair on me or on the councellors I've been referred to. I'm just being pushed under the carpet all over again - no-one will be straight and hoinest with me about any of this stuff. And thats just not right.

Zoompad said...

David Kidney acted surprised, as if he didnt know much about any of this stuff. What a liar, he was involved in it all!

David Kidney should give up politics and go in for a part in Coronation Street or something.

Zoompad said...

Its not my fault I got it wrong about Chadswell Assessment Centre. EMERGE, if they had really wanted to help me, should have helped me make a taped statement to Stafford Police, they should have insisted it was done, and also helped me revisit - in a safe way, with someone to hold my hand - the places where I was abused as a child, because I still have nightmares and panic attacks about it, even to this day!

They could have helped me, if they had wanted to - the problem was they didnt want to because they didnt give a damn! helping me wasn't even on their agenda.

Zoompad said...

I did a statement at Blyth Bridge police station, a three hour video statement. I have never seen that statement, it seems to have dissapeared now!

Anonymous said...

This vid covers young boy prostitution by the elite homosexuals

Anonymous said...

The BBC said its lawyers would persue vigorously any claims that it allowed its stars to sexually exploit vulnerable people or children
the latest names are Max Bygraves who fathered at least 10 children with young fans and abandoned them.
Cliff Richard who denies he was ever a rent boy
and Derren Brown who says he never went you underage rent boys

Zoompad said...

"The BBC said its lawyers would persue vigorously any claims that it allowed its stars to sexually exploit vulnerable people or children"

The BBC has no right to squander licence fee money exhorted by means of menaces, from people who they have forced to pay that money wether or not they watch any BBC channels, some of them being victims of serious crime that the BBC has covered up.

That money is supposed to be spent on making quality programmes for the licence fee payers to watch, not for shielding paedophiles and murderers from justice.

Anonymous said...

Whistleblowers have exposed to us that the Rockefellers are the prime movers behind the pro-homosexual lobbies,
and this then moves through to the newspapers and TV down to individual members of the public through what is known as the "trickle down effect"
This means that newspapers owned by Rupert Murdoch and his backers Rothschild and Oppenheimer, such as the big Daily prints down to the small local newspapers owned by Archant publishing etc, plus those in the late Robert Maxwells group, carry the message to promote homosexuality, remember homosexuals represent just 2% of the population and heterosexuals 98% so this is an anti heterosexual message and against the race relations act which forbids the promotion, stigmatisation or marginalising of any group of peoples.
The BBC is traditionaly very pro-jewish, this was so much the case that it drew big criticism in W W II for its distorted version of the news interspersed with downright lies, and many servicemen called it
"bullshit time," TV directors are only appointed if the jewish lobby suggests them or they are pro-zionist in their views, and this reflects their anti-British stance, which again breaks the race relations act.
The BBC has recently been in hot water over employing and protecting many sexually disturbed people, and even covering up for them, the Jimmy Savile case was one among several, because as Prime Minister David Cameron said
" we do not want to start a gay witch hunt" he did not say we will restore the NHS counseling and psychiatric services for those in need as he should have done, this means that only those who abuse girls are being persued, the majority who abuse boys have been sidelined even down to the boys abused by Savile not being included in the total, because of pressure by the homosexual lobby.
If we accept that the current situation in Britain where foreigners are being brought in and given priority for jobs homes and social security moneys, this again breaches the race relations act and proves just how racist the government really is, this hatred against its own white heterosexual people shows the evil agenda by our government, and the bankers who pull the strings, children in my own family aged 6 and 8 have been coming home talking about lessons on homosexuality now i know no one who wants their kids taught this stuff, and for 2% of the population to
dictate to our children that they will be taught perversion we all know is wrong.

Anonymous said...

god i love this trickle down effect
this explains so much, i dont always read the comments but these are good actually
susan robuck

Anonymous said...

I came back from the shops through the park, and gave a loaf of bread to 3 homeless boys, they were overjoyed.
They told me homosexuals would come and prey on them, knowing they were hungry they would demand their bodies for food.
These boys were teenagers, how can this be going on?
while we import in foreigners and give them homes jobs and food while ours starve in the park how ?