Most if not all of the problems on this planet could be solved if only we people knew what love is, and put it into practice.
Love is more than a pretty feeling, it's a whole body decision to cherish, to do righteousness. It's an act of worship.
Paedophiles shouldn't be called that. The word means lover of children. Paedophiles don't love children, they lust after children, they lose interest in the child once the child has become adult. That's not love, it's lust.
Notching conquests of pretty girls on a bedpost isn't love either, it's disgraceful predatory behaviour. We have an ugly example of that in the current Prime Minister. What a pity Jeremy Corbyn was robbed of the job of leading this country, we needed a man who first knows how to love and cherish his own family. Instead we have a man who could not care less about what happens to the people in his own family circle, and even less about the rest of us.
Love Thy Neighbour. It doesn't mean spying and snooping on your neighbours, curtain twitching, and grassing them up to the authorities for ridiculous non crimes.
Love yourself. A hard one for many of us, including myself. Us child abuse/trafficking victims have a particularly hard time loving ourselves because we've been on the receiving end of some pretty grim treatment. But we have to try, because we are worthy of kindness and love too. Keeping our own bodies as healthy and beautiful as we can is an act of love and gratitude to our Creator. Forgiving ourselves and comforting ourselves after we've gone spiralling into self destructive mode is loving ourselves. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and you can reverse that, people who have been cruelly broken need to reverse that as well.
Love the Lord your God. We are created, we were made frail and graceful beings, naked and innocent. We have become the most terrifying and wicked creatures on the planet! The wildings fear most people, because they know what terrible things people do. What a joy it is to be trusted by wildings, to have their trust so much that they come bounding up to you when they see you, because they recognise a friend. It's such a privilege to be invited in to a family of birds, when they trust you so much they ask you to help them when a predator is stalking their nest. You don't have to be Dr Dolittle to understand their language, you simply have to love them and listen and watch.
The other creatures on this planet are exploited because of our failure to love them and ourselves. The supermarket is full of dead body parts of poor enslaved tortured murder victims, cold slabs of death, and most of us were brainwashed into believing we had to fuel our own bodies on these gruesome remains. Our own bodies are polluted with death and a cocktail of poisons, instead of being nourished with food grown from sunshine and rainfall. The lies of the advertisers tell us we will get sick if we don't eat animal products, well all I can say about that is take a good look at the state of the people, look how obese and sick we have become as a nation. The Church actually told me that refusing to eat exploited animals was a wicked sin and disrespectful to God. I have had to rethink many of my own spiritual beliefs recently, because some things just don't make any sense. I don't think I'm insulting my Creator by trying to care for my own health and by refusing to take any part in the mass murder and exploitation of other creatures.
Lastly, I don't believe the Beatles were right. They sang "All you need is Love", but I think you need Faith as well. Rejecting our Creator robs us of our own strength. We need to accept Love as well as give it.