Monday, 15 April 2024

David Camerons Grandfather

Donald Ewen Cameron was David Cameron's grandfather. Allen Welsh Dulles was the Director of Central Intelligence who authorised the MKUltra torture program that Donald Ewen Cameron ran between 1957 to 1961. The Pindown child trafficking/sensory deprivation torture program was part of the MKUltra program. In 2002 David Cameron headed a select committee investigation into child abuse in childrens homes in the UK, and that invesigation invited some very dubious and cunning individuals to effectively lobby to stop what they called "Police Trawling" but was actually blocking the police forces all around the UK from properly investigating child abuse/trafficking/torture in childrens homes. Can you all see what they did? I am a very brave woman, I have been telling the truth all this time. I hope people will wake up.


Anonymous said...

i was thrilled to see you had written this
i was in a catholic orphanage
the nuns there were monsters the horrific things they did to us the head nun in st marys orphanage school walthamstow a sister peter used to rape the elder boys
those nuns were sickos
from my knowledge what you say here is absolutely right

Anonymous said...

its a very long time since i checked in here
you dont write as much as you used to
and i miss feeling someone else went through what i did as a child
I wanted to point out how sick the BBC is
that weird lad who was the UK entrant for the eurovision thing
my god what a little perv, and people sued to laugh at boy george.
i quickly turned the TV off
what is the world coming to

Zoompad said...

I'm sorry. I don't post very often now, I just look in from time to time.

The reason I don't post much now is because of the police. They have persecuted me to hell and back over this blog.

There's tougher people and groups than me now, shouting out about the abuse. I just got exhausted, and just couldn't cope with the big army of uniformed thugs targeting me all the time. The police have been absolutely disgusting. They even came booming and banging on my door at 3.00 am the week my mother died, to tell me off for posting my bereavement on Twitter (She was murdered with Midazolam, along with many other frail and elderly people. The police are a disgusting disgrace. And, you see, nobody in my neighbourhood really had my back, very little support, so I've had to fly in the slip stream and let others take the front line.

But I'll always check in from time to time. My heart is absolutely with other child abuse and trafficking survivors.

Zoompad said...

I call that contest "The Annual Satanic Screeching Show"

Yes, I saw what they had on offer, a far cry from the days of Dana and Mary Hopkin, when it actually was a lovely singing competition instead of a satanic ritual.

I won't watch it, don't want to be sucked into its energy, I don't even know who won and I don't care, they can shove their satanic rituals where the sun won't shine. There's very little on television that I want to see, and certainly not that thing, or the daily pack of lies and propaganda they have the cheek to call the news.

Zoompad said...

The orphanages, yes,I had a friend who was daily abused, beaten, by nuns at his school, it left deep scars.

I am a recovering Christian, I still believe in Jesus but I steer well clear of organised religion these days,I got badly burnt by the church.