Friday, 22 November 2019


It was 2000 years ago a man they called J.C.
Came riding into town one day, upon a grey donkey
A quiet man, self assured, no pistols by His side
The only weapons carried was his heart, no love denied.
His Holy mission was to heal and teach the world in peace
And stop the hate division that was evils sad bequeeth.
The ones that can't stop hating gnashed their teeth and plotted war
They murdered Him. And then His rising they tried for to ignore.
And now we have another man who people call J.C.
Riding his bicycle, buses and trains, around this sad country.
He brings a smile to everyone, even as they weep
This country is in a sorry mess, people living in the street.
The evil ones will gnash their teeth and plot their wicked plans
They'd love to stop this gentle dude, theyll kill him if they can!
But the sun is shining through the gloom. The night is almost through.
When we begin to live the way the Other Guy said to do.