Thursday 31 May 2012


Here are some more people who have been blocked for stupid reasons by Facebook

Blocked from Facebook for this

So what have I been blocked from Facebook for? It's a mystery, as they haven't even had the courtesy to tell me!

The only things I can think of are

1) Posting too many links to this anti child abuse blog - apparently FaceNazi can block people if they post too many links to one site

2) Making a humerous comment this morning about the Bilderberg conference, stinkbombs and the fictional schoolboy character William Brown (Just William) I will laugh if this is the reason as it will show the utter incompetence of the secret military intellegence if they are unable to tell the difference between a naughty little boy armed with something from a joke shop and a weapon yielding terrorist. I already know how corrupt MI5 are as they trashed the police investigation into Haut de la Garenne and other Pindown child abuse police investigations.

Meanwhile, paedophiles and gangsters continue to use Facebook. I think Facebook moderators must have read this book and based the way they run the site on it!


Anonymous said...

I got locked out of Facebook.

- Aangirfan

Zoompad said...

Facebook and YouTube are very paedophile friendly, but woe betide anyone who campaigns against child abuse. I am really sick of them.

Anonymous said...

Many thanks for the links.

- Aangirfan